The other day I got a new 5.1 surround system and whenever I want to test whether everything is setup right, I'm missing a nice tool to test all the speakers. Today I decided to write something. Introducing...
Surround Test This is just the first iteration which allows you to pick the number of channels your system has (are there any systems with more than 8 channels?) and you can select a channel to play a sound from. Some channel counts are not supported and you'll just get an error message on the console.
DownloadWindows [1.59 MiB]
Technical BitsUnfortunately, there's no way with SFML to get the number of supported channels, nor is there a way to play a sound on one specific channel. This left me with the only option to give the channel count setting to the user and generating a sound buffer which plays the sound on only the selected channel.
FutureIn addition to this simple surround test, I want to add another test, where one sound source is flying around the listener who is in the center. That way you can see how well the 3D effect is.
And the final goal is to have everything visualize a bit.
Ah yeah and GitHub code release will come one day as well.