Here is the error I get when I try to use the GetSocketsReady() for a SelectorTCP
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ___WSAFDIsSet@8 referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall sf::Selector<class sf::SocketTCP>::GetSocketsReady(class std::vector<class sf::SocketTCP,class std::allocator<class sf::SocketTCP> > &,float)" (?GetSocketsReady@?$Selector@VSocketTCP@sf@@@sf@@QAE_NAAV?$vector@VSocketTCP@sf@@V?$allocator@VSocketTCP@sf@@@std@@@std@@M@Z)
here is the code where it is messing up at:
std::vector<sf::SocketTCP> readySockets;
server.GetSocketsReady( readySockets ); //This line here is what is causing the error.
for (std::vector<sf::SocketTCP>::iterator i = readySockets.begin(); i != readySockets.end(); ++i)
any ideas on how to solve this problem?