1) Your GPU doesn't support NPOT (non power of two) texture sizes so both width and height go up to the next closest power of two
2) It sounds quite bad... I have integrated Intel laptop GPU with just GL 2.1 that is very slow and even it has NPOT and larger maximum sizes support
3) 100% GPU issue
Very interesting! Never heard about NPOT.
This is a friend's PC by the way.
So, as far as I can tell, there are 2 problems here:
- Unavailable NPOT sizes support.
- Image is too big (even if it had NPOT size support).
1280x720 is the largest image size I'll ever load in my game, these are the backgrounds. Should I bother to reconsider the size of my backgrounds to avoid the size issue and/or the NPOT issue?
I mean, I have to draw a line where a hardware is too old to run the game. Even if I resize it to 1024x1024, there will always be an older machine that cannot run it.