I want to advice that creating o initializing a RenderWindow before the entry point (main) is called will cause and app crash on Android.
Tested with SFML 2.3.2.
Devices: Sony Xperia E3 & Samsumg Galaxy Note 4.
sf::RenderWindow window ;
void main() // Entry Point.
// Game logic .. bla bla.
This will compile but will crash.
If for whatever reason you need the RenderWindow outside the main function, the workaround is make the RenderWindow a pointer.
sf::RenderWindow *window ;
void main() // Entry
sf::RenderWindow win( sf::VideoMode::getDesktopMode() , "" ) ;
window = &win ;
// Game logic .. bla bla.
Hope it help for finding bugs.
If the bug was/is repaired please notify on this topic.
PD: Should i start a "new issue" on GitHub?