Each Nicox mentioned, it is possible to use the colour to "multiply" the texture as shown in the Sprite tutorial.
Each vertex in a vertex array has multiple properties: position, colour and texture co-ordinates. They can all be used at any time so texture co-ordinates and colour can be applied at the same time to each vertex. Technically, each vertex always has a colour - even when displaying a texture; it's just set to white as this shows the texture in its original form.
As with the sprite colouring, colours in vertices and multiplied with the texture. This works like a filter. For example, full white allows all three components in their original form, full red allows only the texture's red component to show (whatever value it may be) and half blue allows only the texture's blue component to be shown but halves its value.
Note that this means that something can't retain white (for example) after being "filtered" by a colour.