Hi Ladies and Guys
I did what eXpl0it3r told me in my last post, use Events instead of real time input. For my surprise the Keypressed Event is not working in my MenuBox class. I had never got this issue before. Here is the code. I pass the window reference from the main loop to the constructor.
using SFML.Graphics;using SFML.Audio;using SFML.Window;using SFML.System;using System;namespace SpaceInvaders
{ class MenuBox
{ private Text
[] options
; private int y
; private IntRect board
; private string title
; private int chosen
; private bool returnValue
; private RenderWindow window
; public MenuBox
(string[] options,
int y, RenderWindow window
) { int a
; this.options = new Text
.Length]; for (a
= 0; a
< options
.Length; a
++) { this.options[a
] = new Text
new Font
("data files\\fonts\\Arial.ttf"),
30); } this.y = y
; this.window = window
; } public MenuBox
(string[] options,
int y, IntRect board,
string title, RenderWindow window
) : this(options, y, window
) { this.board = board
; this.title = title
; } public int DoMenuBox
() { int a
; this.chosen = 0; this.returnValue = false; this.window.KeyPressed += new EventHandler
); if (this.board != null) { RectangleShape board
= new RectangleShape
(new Vector2f
this.board.Height)); board
.OutlineThickness = 6; board
.OutlineColor = new Color
128); board
.FillColor = new Color
192); board
.Position = new Vector2f
300); board
.Origin = new Vector2f
(this.board.Width / 2,
this.board.Height / 2); Text title
= new Text
new Font
("data files\\fonts\\Arial.ttf"),
30); title
.Origin = new Vector2f
.GetLocalBounds().Width / 2, title
.GetLocalBounds().Height / 2); title
.Position = new Vector2f
200); title
.Color = Color
.White; this.window.Draw(board
); this.window.Draw(title
); } while (true) { for (a
= 0; a
< this.options.Length; a
++) { this.options[a
].Position = new Vector2f
(400, y
+ 40 * a
); this.options[a
].Origin = new Vector2f
].GetLocalBounds().Width / 2,
].GetLocalBounds().Top); this.options[a
].Color = new Color
0); if (a
== chosen
) this.options[a
].Color = new Color
255); this.window.Draw(this.options[a
]); } if (returnValue
) break; this.window.DispatchEvents(); this.window.Display(); } this.window.KeyPressed -= window_KeyPressed
; return chosen
; } private void window_KeyPressed
(object sender, KeyEventArgs e
) { if (e
.Code == Keyboard
.Key.Up && this.chosen > 0) this.chosen--; else if (e
.Code == Keyboard
.Key.Down && this.chosen < this.options.Length - 1) this.chosen++; else if (e
.Code == Keyboard
.Key.Return) this.returnValue = true; else if (e
.Code == Keyboard
.Key.Escape) { this.chosen = -1; this.returnValue = true; } } }} Thanks for your help
If I solve this issue I'll be uploading my poor space shooter to the project forum soon