Movement isn't covered by SFML; you need to calculate positions from movement manually. However, it's not so difficult
sf::Vector2f Velocity(10.f, 0.f);
position += velocity; // assuming that position is also an sf::Vector2f
This will change the position towards the right at 10 (pixels if the view matches the window) per frame.
To change the speed, change the value of 10.
To change the direction to left, use a negative number and to use a vertical direction use the other element:
(0.f, 10.f) to go upwards.
Of course, you can use both to go in a diagonal direction.
For exact values for velocity you can use sine and cosine to calculate for any possible direction.
* Slightly more advanced *
Once you have the velocity, you should be aware that the frames may not take the same amount of time so multiplying the velocity by the difference in time (commonly called delta time or dt) allows you solidify the exact speed over time regardless of how long the frame takes. In fact, the value for velocity then becomes 'per second'.
sf::RenderWindow window;
sf::Vector2f position;
sf::Clock clock;
while (window.isOpen()
// event handling (while window.pollEvent)
float dt = clock.restart().asSeconds(); // restart gives the amount of time passed and also restarts the clock allowing a constant looping
sf::Vector2f velocity(100.f, 0.f); // 100 to the right per second
position += velocity * dt;
// render (clear, draw, display)