I took just a quick 30 minute look.
No offense but for what it is it feels a bit too overengineered at 1300 lines, all the structure, separate folders for like 7 pngs and 4 oggs (it's good practice to do it of course but for such a small game it feels like an overkill). Plus the tools you've listed, it feels like you might have spent more on them than on that game?
I also don't get why you've included all the SFML headers in your repo. Does CMake somehow require that?
You also use classes full of static const members instead of more "normal" global consts.
It's a bit strange to put manager classes in Game, because it feels way more like 'Engine' part.
In SoundManager you copy SoundBuffer although you didn't need to and it's kinda heavy since it stores all the samples, and could do it in a single line, since [] does an insertion. Similar thing with Texture in TextureManager.
Style-ish stuff: a bit too little consts in various places like locals, getters, etc. Not using proper constant literals (like .f for float, etc.) in places, the =default could be put in the header in the class body itself.
Making all destructors is kinda unusual and kinda wrong.
There is an std::to_string since C++11 and you use C++11 features elsewhere in your code already, no need for stringstream.
There is no need for '48 means 0' comments, you can put a '0' in place of that 48 there to make the intention clearer. No need to iterate over a string with a char reference, just a normal (const) char would do.
You sometimes use this-> even though it's not needed (and you didn't make it your style to always use it).
Sometimes you use C style cast and sometimes a C++ static_cast.
isHoovered is a
misspelling of hovered.