Hello again!
I've been looking into a few areas of SFML and seeing if it fullfills all my needs. So far it's looking like it will fit the bill beautifully!
I do have one more question about it, though...
It looks like the interfaces for loading files (ie: sf::Image::LoadFromFile, sf::Music::LoadFromFile, sf::SoundBuffer::LoadFromFile, sf::Font::LoadFromFile, etc) all just take either a string filename or a pointer to a memory buffer.
Is there any way to load an audio/image file via a callback system so that I can use a different file system?
For example, let's say I want my game to have "packages" that can be user defined and could contain things like custom sound effects, images, different game levels, etc. For ease of distribution and installation, I'd want the packages to be individual .zip files.
So... assuming I have my own method to read .zip files, how could I load audio/image files from a zip, without reading the entire file into memory and using LoadFromMemory (which is particularly impractical for fonts and large audio files that are to be streamed)
Libraries like libpng have a callback system where you can supply your own read/seek/tell/etc functions, but I don't see anything like this in the documentation for SFML.
Is it possible? Or is LoadFromMemory my only option?