A problem that i met that my program cant create and save file.I found no answers anywhere so i decided to ask.
I noticed that when i do not connect sfml all works good. But when i connect sfml my programs cant create file even with help ifstream.(before i try save sf::Image). I reinstalled sfml,but the problem didn't go away.
Here is my code:
sf::Image i;
i.create(100, 100, sf::Color::Red);
This one too:
std::ofstream p;
char s[10]{"DonePSiz"};
p << s;
This code dont create the corresponding errors but despite the absense of errors this code dont create files.
My IDE is visual studio 2017. My sfml version 2.5.1 .I use dynamic sfml,debug x64. My OC is windows 10. My geforce gtx 1060 video card.