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Author Topic: SFML + VC10 Express  (Read 1488 times)

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SFML + VC10 Express
« on: June 06, 2010, 12:22:59 pm »
I have just started learning C++, basically read most of the C++ primer (5th Ed.) and am mucking about with SFML.

I got the first few examples to compile but due to some differences in VC10 and what the tutorial was instructing I am not 100% sure if its all correct... or just a hack job.

In short, I am concerned with the need to copy dll files into the project each time I use a new package... otherwise I get a windows fault.
I had to copy : sfml-system.dll and sfml-window.dll into the project to get the clock example and the window example to load.

My question: Is it required I copy every DLL of each package I use into the project ?

I would also like to inform the tutorial author that VC10 depreciates adding incl and libs via the tools option, you now need to edit the projects properties instead... least thats what I done.

Thanks for the library, so far I am finding it very usefull.


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SFML + VC10 Express
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 02:47:53 pm »
Seems I spoke too soon ...

I went through the tutorials for opening a window and handling events, I noticed I was using the non debug dll version in debug mode AND I kept getting a buffer overflow issue when I press ESC or closed the window it created.
I tried changing the linker to point to the debug version of sfml-window-d.dll but the application wouldnt even start, I switched to release mode and it wouldnt even compile... complained something was using a file it needed, I used task manager to close the conhost  and MSBuild instances and compiled in release mode and it complained about buffer overflow.

I deleted the project and restarted a new one , setting up all the configuration as explained in your tutorials... the clock example works, but the window example either fails to open, or it complains about buffer overflows (yes I tried rebooting my PC).
I deleted the project yet again and this time copied the include and library to the VC\Include and Lib directories (as method one of your tutorials) ... and got exactly the same issues.

I have tried to link to the debug version when in debug mode, I have added the SFML_DYNAMIC macro as instructed, I have copied all the required dll's to the project directory ... I just cant seem to get it to work properly.

I am using Win 7 64 Home, VC++ 2010 Express, GTX260 video card with up to date drivers.
I realise I am only a beginner but I cant see where I went wrong. I even downloaded your samples and tried to compile those ( I had to include "stdafx.h" as the only difference to your sample code and mine, but nothing compiles if I dont include that header, not even a basic hello word cout ).


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SFML + VC10 Express
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 05:06:53 pm »
Seems the issue may be linked to my lack of experience with the IDE, I tried a different library with a more established set of tutorials and discovered some mistakes I may of made...

I'll try SFML again when I get a bit more experience    :)