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Author Topic: Most bizarre thing happening when starting game.  (Read 1003 times)

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Most bizarre thing happening when starting game.
« on: June 10, 2020, 02:15:02 pm »
This is so strange. I added two new textures and now my player character wont load up his textures correctly.
The textures have nothing to do with him and were just added in because I was about to add a new character who uses those.

I have two textures for the player character, one standing and one walking. When the user moves the character is switches back and forth between the textures to simulate walking.

I load up the game, Im left with no character in sight which is odd because my console tells me he is there
He appears with his walking texture loaded up, once I move again he is now loaded up in the stand texture but its corrupted, something is very wrong with his feet.
If he moves the opposite direction, he COMPLETELY disappears when using the walking texture but appears when using the standing texture (corrupted though)
so I turn him back around and move to the ladder and I must make sure I am using the walking texture before I go up because with the standing texture Ill completely corrupt every texture as I go up
once I use the ladder using the correct texture, everything is fixed!
but if I use the ladder using the wrong texture, everything is F*CKED!
Both textures are corrupted now along with the ladder movement textures and whenever he moves the opposite direction he is completely gone.

Whats weird is that the two new textures are just being loaded, they arent even being used. When I get rid of them, everything runs smooth.

I have uploaded some pics to show you guys what I mean.


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Re: Most bizarre thing happening when starting game.
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2020, 04:18:49 pm »
after taking a break and going through a rigorous debugging process.
I had a problem with setting textureRect when I created my player object. I fixed it all up and it works now.

Just really strange that the problem came after I brought in more textures.


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Re: Most bizarre thing happening when starting game.
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2020, 09:56:22 pm »
Unrelated answer: do you make your art yourself and what software are you using?