I wrote a few swig files to use your audio lib with python
Do you mean you created a Python binding for SFML-Audio ? So you could create bindings for other SFML packages and other languages ?
It works but i got a small problem that sometimes i get slowdown of the music it is playing. The same for wave effects. It will last usually for a second and then it will play normal again. Do you have any idea what this could be?
No idea, maybe your hardware or drivers ? The music class could have some issues, as it's using streaming, but wave sounds just use the basic OpenAL functions so it would be more surprising. By the way, OpenAL 0.8 looks a bit old, current versoin is 1.1 (or 1.2 ?).
I also just get stereo even if i have a 5.1 setup. I got this problem with several linux programs but some can handle it (for example VLC). But shuldn't openal be able to use it?
OpenAL is supposed to handle it, yes.
My second question is would it not by nice to change the listener position i have seen that you set the camera position on the creation of the sfAudioDevice. I think it is easier to change the listener position than to change all the Sound objects.
Yes, I should really create an interface to expose the listener properties.