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Author Topic: At Odds - Space RTS  (Read 15639 times)

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At Odds - Space RTS
« on: July 10, 2021, 04:50:54 am »
A few months ago I started to work on a game with sfml. Originally it was just going to be a space empire simulator but I just had to get ambitious and turn it into an RTS  ;D. So, unlike my previous projects at first I focused on actually adding gameplay to this game because you can't have a game without gameplay. You need a minimum viable product so you can establish the core gameplay loop and see if its fun, then you just extend the core gameplay loop. See, making a game is easy! I'm kidding. So after a month of development I had the most basic RTS gameplay implemented and I was proud :). So if I drop dead tomorrow I can die peacefully knowing I made a game with actual gameplay. Anyway, nowadays the gameplay is a little bit less basic but still pretty basic. Making a game really gives you an appreciation for games because now you know how much work it really is to implement basic stuff. I work on the game for like 1 or 2 hours a day, and only for fun. If I stopped having fun developing the game then I would just stop or take a break. And because I want to keep this project fun for me I made it FOSS. If my goal was to make money out of this that would just suck all the fun out of it. It would add more and more obligations and I hate obligations.


* Procedurally generated constellation and star systems

* AI empires

* Planets that actually orbit around their star

* Colonizing planets

* Bigger focus on strategy than micro

* Design your own ships

* Research tech

* A soundtrack with 10+ tracks

* Improve your colonies by building buildings

* A spectator "AI battle" mode

* A dynamic economy system

* Find new weapons through research or exploration

* Protect your empire by building turret defenses

* Space lasers

* Trains, in space

* Massive freaking space battles

Gameplay videos:

Itch.io: https://peoplepancakes.itch.io/at-odds
Source code: https://github.com/pancakespeople/At-Odds
Chat: https://discord.gg/tDcPRuTUcm
« Last Edit: February 18, 2022, 05:08:54 am by pancakespeople »


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Re: At Odds - Space RTS
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2021, 05:47:38 am »
I released a new version, alpha 2.2. The biggest feature of this release has to be the ship designer gui. This system is really powerful because now you can have ships with all kinds of different weapon combinations and I think it'll be cool that players can experiment with different ship designs and what not. The system is simple, you select one chassis and then add weapons up to the chassis maximum weapon capacity. Not the most in-depth system ever but it's much better than just having ships with predefined weapons. Frigate chassis can't hold very many weapons but if I ever get around to adding capital ships to the game, oh that'll be sexy. Currently there isn't very much you can do with the ship designer because there's only 2 combat ship chassis in the game, ah, back to reality.

I also updated the ship factory gui to accommodate this new ship design system.

Factions only start with one of the three basic weapons (laser, machine gun or rocket launcher), chosen randomly and can only find new weapons atm by plundering these new derelict spaceships I've added that has a chance to spawn in every solar system.

And the last thing I want to go over is the new system for defining object types. So, objects like projectiles, weapons, spaceships, buildings, etc, can have many different types. Destroyers move slower than frigates and of course have a different sprite, but they are still both a "Spaceship". Projectiles deal different amounts of damage. Yeah you get the point. Previously in order to construct objects of these different types I just used an enum and long switch statements in the constructor. That system gets messy after a while so I removed it all and replaced it so that object types are defined in text files. Here's an example of what a weapon type looks like now:

projectile = "FLAK"
sound = "data/sound/gunshot1.wav"
accuracy = 0.6
numProjectiles = 6

Now it is much cleaner to define object types and it is much more moddable as well because now you don't have to modify the source code in order to define a new weapon or whatever.

Anyway, what I'll probably work on next is buildings on planets and then after that, maybe a technology system? If anyone here decides to check out the game then please let me know if you find any bugs or crashes and feedback or suggestions are welcome as well.


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Re: At Odds - Space RTS
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2021, 05:10:11 am »
New release and devlog where I once again type too many words: https://peoplepancakes.itch.io/at-odds/devlog/297818/alpha-24-space-war-crimes

Oh and I created a discord server and I might post progress updates there if anyone joins: https://discord.gg/tDcPRuTUcm
« Last Edit: September 26, 2021, 05:22:26 am by pancakespeople »


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Re: At Odds - Space RTS
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2021, 04:52:45 am »
I've been working on an interplanetary trading system:

Martin Sand

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Re: At Odds - Space RTS
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2021, 07:13:19 pm »
Looks very good, I hope there are more updates soon!


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Re: At Odds - Space RTS
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2021, 05:14:13 am »
Thanks! And why yes, there are more updates soon, in fact, so soon because I just released a big update and devlog. https://peoplepancakes.itch.io/at-odds/devlog/313104/alpha-30-tech-trade-soundtrack-and-more


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Re: At Odds - Space RTS
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2021, 06:05:12 am »


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Re: At Odds - Space RTS
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2022, 11:45:15 pm »
What I've been working on: a cool parallax background, 3D illusion:


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Re: At Odds - Space RTS
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2022, 05:06:42 am »


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Re: At Odds - Space RTS
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2022, 04:25:16 am »
New release and devlog: https://peoplepancakes.itch.io/at-odds/devlog/371766/alpha-41-wherein-i-work-on-gameplay

Not very much technical discussion in this devlog, this devlog focuses more on game design.

Sean Mulligan

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Re: At Odds - Space RTS
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2022, 03:04:18 am »
Wow, this game looks great. How long have you been developing in sfml for? You have any tips on structuring the code in a game? Graphics could use an overhaul, but art is really hard to get right. Great job!  ;)