So, we're trying to make a CircleShape follow the mouse's position at a speed of 500 pixels per second. We're like super noobs to SFML (like just started learning last week after learning C++ the week before).
We know the code for the circle following the mouse is...
//while window is open blah blah we have other code here so we only posted the relevant code
sf::CircleShape cursor;
cursor.setPosition(WINDOW_W, WINDOW_H);
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
sf::Vector2f mousePos = sf::Vector2f(window.mapPixelToCoords(sf::Mouse::getPosition(window)));
But we don't know how to get the circle to follow the mouse slowly. We tried cursor.move and even did some trigo sh** but we don't understand it enough to make sense of it. If someone could help, that would be great!