Hello everyone
So, I followed this nice guide on how to get SFML and Qt to works together (
https://github.com/SFML/SFML/wiki/Tutorial%3A-Integrating-SFML-into-Qt). Reason being: I want the menu bar but unfortunately SFML does not offer that
. QFrame wasn't gonna cut it, so I used QMainWindow instead:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
QApplication application(argc, argv);
QMainWindow window;
// our sfml view widget
QSfml qsfml;
// throwing our sfml view widget into the window so it renders stuff
// the menu bars
QMenu* gameOptions = window.menuBar()->addMenu("Options");
window.resize(QSize(768, 570));
qsfml.setSize(sf::Vector2u(768, 570));
return application.exec();
And as I usually do, I used sf::Mouse::getPosition to grab the cursor position relative to the window, then I set the rectangle position to be the cursor's position, unfortunately it doesn't seem to like Qt very much and the rectangle gets misaligned by quite a bit
From my experience this usually happen when the window is squished or resized or something similar, but I have made sure that they are of the same size by calling resize and setSize on window and the SFML widget respectively
Also, one weird thing is that using 640x480 resolution for the SFML widget works absolutely fine, but I need a bigger window :\
I'm on linux with KDE Plasma X11, if that helps
Thanks a lot in advanced!