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Author Topic: Error compiling with gcc++  (Read 1314 times)

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Error compiling with gcc++
« on: August 05, 2023, 02:45:19 pm »
I use sf::CircleShape with SFML 2.6 and GCC 13.1.

So far till now I only build debug version and without errors. However for the first time I created release version and I get error. Do you have idea where can be problem?

`_ZThn8_N2sf11CircleShapeD1Ev' referenced in section `.rdata$_ZTVN2sf11CircleShapeE[_ZTVN2sf11CircleShapeE]' of C:\C++\_LIB\SFML-2.6.0\lib\libsfml-graphics-s.a(CircleShape.cpp.obj): defined in discarded section `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN2sf11CircleShapeD1Ev[_ZThn8_N2sf11CircleShapeD1Ev]' of obj\Release\Voronoi\Voronoi.o (symbol from plugin)
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

[ 33.3%] gcc.exe -std=c++20 -m64 -Wsign-conversion -std=c++23 -DSFML_STATIC -DTGUI_STATIC -fomit-frame-pointer -fexpensive-optimizations -flto -O3 -pedantic -Wextra -Wall -std=c++20 -m64 -DSFML_STATIC -IC:\C++\_LIB\SFML-2.6.0\include -IC:\C++\_LIB\TGUI-1.0\include -Iscr -Iscr\Voronoi -ITest -IVoronoi -c C:\C++\TEST\TEST_Voronoi_1\main.cpp -o obj\Release\main.o
[ 66.7%] gcc.exe -std=c++20 -m64 -Wsign-conversion -std=c++23 -DSFML_STATIC -DTGUI_STATIC -fomit-frame-pointer -fexpensive-optimizations -flto -O3 -pedantic -Wextra -Wall -std=c++20 -m64 -DSFML_STATIC -IC:\C++\_LIB\SFML-2.6.0\include -IC:\C++\_LIB\TGUI-1.0\include -Iscr -Iscr\Voronoi -ITest -IVoronoi -c C:\C++\TEST\TEST_Voronoi_1\Voronoi\Voronoi.cpp -o obj\Release\Voronoi\Voronoi.o
[100.0%] g++.exe -LC:\C++\_LIB\SFML-2.6.0\lib -LC:\C++\_LIB\TGUI-1.0\lib -o bin\Release\Voronoi.exe obj\Release\main.o obj\Release\Voronoi\Voronoi.o  -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -static -m64 -O3 -flto -s -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -static -m64 -lsfml-graphics-s -lsfml-window-s -lsfml-audio-s -lsfml-network-s -lsfml-system-s -lfreetype -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lopenal32 -logg -lflac -lvorbis -lvorbisfile -lvorbisenc -lgdi32 -lwinmm -lws2_32   -mwindows

note: TGUI is not needed now but I will use it later.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2023, 02:49:16 pm by Garwin »


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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2023, 08:53:58 am »
What OS are you using and what build commands did you run?


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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2023, 09:03:48 am »
Win11, using Codeblocks with gcc 13.1

Using Codeblocks project file.
What do you mean by builds command?

Project is set with these commands.
gcc.exe -std=c++20 -m64 -Wsign-conversion -std=c++23 -DSFML_STATIC -DTGUI_STATIC -fomit-frame-pointer -fexpensive-optimizations -flto -O3 -pedantic -Wextra -Wall -std=c++20 -m64 -DSFML_STATIC

gcc.exe -std=c++20 -m64 -Wsign-conversion -std=c++23 -DSFML_STATIC -DTGUI_STATIC -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wshadow -Winit-self -Wredundant-decls -Wcast-align -Wundef -Wfloat-equal -Wunreachable-code -Wmissing-declarations -Wswitch-enum -Wswitch-default -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant -Wmain -pedantic-errors -pedantic -Wextra -Wall -std=c++20 -pg -m64 -Og -g
« Last Edit: August 06, 2023, 11:16:37 am by Garwin »


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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2023, 11:14:40 am »
I have tried new blank project in Codeblocks and with
#include <SFML/Grahpics/CircleShape.hpp>
and just declaring sf::CircleShape and there is no problem.

As soon as I put 2 new files into the project, there is a problem.

I have attached both files but I cannot see any issue with it.

There is not many usage of sf::CircleShape in the files:
using Circles = std::vector<sf::CircleShape>;
Circles inputPoints;
Circles vorPoints;
Circles newPoints;
void addPoints (const Points& inputPoints, Visualisation::Circles& outputPoints, const sf::Color& color);
sf::CircleShape point (s_circleRadius, s_circleRadius/4 + 6);
void VoronoiCut::addPoints (const Points& inputPoints, Visualisation::Circles& outputPoints, const sf::Color& color)
{ // .....

I have tried to replace sf::CircleShape and using sf::RectangleShape and get same error.
`_ZThn8_N2sf14RectangleShapeD1Ev' referenced in section `.rdata$_ZTVN2sf14RectangleShapeE[_ZTVN2sf14RectangleShapeE]' of C:\C++\_LIB\SFML-2.6.0\lib\libsfml-graphics-s.a(RectangleShape.cpp.obj): defined in discarded section `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN2sf14RectangleShapeD1Ev[_ZThn8_N2sf14RectangleShapeD1Ev]' of obj\Release\Voronoi\Voronoi.o (symbol from plugin)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2023, 03:14:49 pm by Garwin »


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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2023, 07:42:43 pm »
I have found what causes the problem in Codeblocks but do not know what is wrong with the wrong definitions.

This is how it looks working for release version ==> this works
Linker settings in release version:

Other linker options in release version:

Variables in whole project:

This is how I would like to use it be more automatic:
Linker settings in release version: none
Other linker options in release version:

Variables in whole project:

But for whatever reasons it just does not work and only for release version.

Has anybody any idea?

« Last Edit: August 07, 2023, 07:52:04 pm by Garwin »


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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2023, 05:48:03 pm »
I find out that the issue is "-flto" link optimization with SFML.
But the reasons for this are completely unknown to me.


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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2023, 10:56:49 am »
If you use pre-built SFML or TGUI libraries, you have to make sure, that they match 100% with the compiler used to build those and the compiler you use.
See the links to the compiler used on the SFML download page.
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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2023, 11:51:58 am »
Thanks for the information. I use exactly the same version of MinGW and GCC that are described in the tutorial.

For time being I just switch off -flto.


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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2023, 07:35:29 pm »
I find what is doing the issue. But I do not understand why.
If somebody has any clue, it would be helpful.

Simple example code with MinGW 13.1 (version used by SFML) on Codeblocks - Windows 11.
#include <SFML/System/Vector2.hpp>
#include "SFML/Graphics.hpp"

#include <vector>

int main ()
    std::vector<sf::Vector2f> inputPoints;
    std::vector<sf::RectangleShape> circles;

    return 0;

As soon as I add this:
std::vector<sf::RectangleShape> circles;
I get the error:
error: ld returned 1 exit status
without any additional information.

So why just declaring vector of RectangleShape can cause such error.

But if I switch off "-flto" for gcc, it compiles without any issue.


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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2023, 12:14:08 am »
Sounds like an linker issue/bug. If it just silently crashes when using link time optimization (lto). If you don't get any information from the linker, there isn't really much I can help you with.
Try to see if there's some verbose option for the linker, so you see internal failures or whatever is happening.
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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2023, 08:28:23 pm »
I get more detailed error but so far do not know what to do with it ....

`_ZThn8_N2sf11CircleShapeD1Ev' referenced in section `.rdata$_ZTVN2sf11CircleShapeE[_ZTVN2sf11CircleShapeE]' of ...\_LIB\SFML-2.6.1\lib\libsfml-graphics-s.a(CircleShape.cpp.obj): defined in discarded section `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN2sf11CircleShapeD1Ev[_ZThn8_N2sf11CircleShapeD1Ev]' of obj\Release\Test.o (symbol from plugin)


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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2023, 12:22:20 am »
Any specific reason you want LTO?

I can find a bunch of reports for ld with MinGW when searching for "mingw defined in discarded section". Maybe you can try some of the suggested work arounds to narrow it down further.
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Re: Error compiling with gcc++
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2023, 07:08:43 pm »
Not exactly. I used same setting from beginning finding that it optimalize functions calls between compilation units.
But I got this error with new version of SMFL, which is strange.

I disable it for time being but have not found anything useful on internet, usually some very old reports of gcc bugs, but it was about version gcc 4.

