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Author Topic: Texture is not loading  (Read 859 times)

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Texture is not loading
« on: May 23, 2024, 02:16:58 pm »
Hello! I am trying to make a small platformer game but I have a huge problem, the texture isn't loading.
https://github.com/epicfloppadev/floppa/ this is the github name
So I have this code in src/tile.cpp
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace sf;
class tile
    bool activated = 0;
    Vector2f position={0.f,0.f};
    Sprite sprite;
    Texture texture;
Texture bgtex;
void loadTiles(tile tiles[][14])
    for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i++)
        tiles[6][i].activated = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j <= 13; j++)
            tiles[i][j].position={float(100*i), float(100*j)};
            if (tiles[i][j].activated == 1)
void display_tile(tile &object, sf::RenderWindow &window)

this code in main.cpp:

#include "smth.hpp"
#include "grass.cpp"
#include "tile.cpp"
using namespace sf;
bool jumping = 0;
float jump_velocity = 0;
float accelerationV = 0.5;
float speedV = 0;
bool o_g = 0;
int main()

    tile tiles[8][14];
    // Music battle;
    // battle.openFromFile("Audio/battle-of-the-dragons-8037.wav");
    // battle.play();
    Object player = {{500, 500}, 0},
           bg{{1000, 1000}, 0};
    if (!player.texture.loadFromFile("Images/big-floppa-player.png") || !bg.texture.loadFromFile("Images/bg.jpg"))
        return -1;
    player.sprite.setScale(0.7, 0.7);
    RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(1280, 720), "Super Floppa", Style::Titlebar | Style::Close);
    Clock clock;
    while (window.isOpen())
        Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))

            if (event.type == Event::Closed || Mouse::isButtonPressed(Mouse::Right))
        Time elapsed = clock.restart();
        float dt = elapsed.asSeconds();

        if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::A))

            speedV += accelerationV;
            if (speedV > maxSpeedV)
                speedV = maxSpeedV;
            player.position += {-speedV, 0.f};
        if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::D))
            speedV += accelerationV;
            if (speedV > maxSpeedV)
                speedV = maxSpeedV;
            player.position += {speedV, 0.f};
            speedV -= (-1 * bool(speedV < 0)) * accelerationV;
        if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Space) && !jumping)
            jumping = 1;
            o_g = 0;
            jump_velocity = sqrt(2 * GRAVITY * JUMP_HEIGHT);
        if (o_g == 0)
            player.position.y -= jump_velocity * dt;
            jump_velocity -= GRAVITY * dt;
        if (touch_grass_lol(player, grass))
            jumping = 0;
            o_g = 1;
            player.position.y = grass.getPosition().y - player.texture.getSize().y * player.sprite.getScale().y;
        if (dt < 1.f / 60.f)
            sleep(sf::seconds(1.f / 60.f - dt));

        //   window.draw(bg.sprite);
        // window.draw(grass);
        for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j <= 12; j++)
                if (tiles[i][j].activated == 0)

                    display_tile(tiles[i][j], window);
                    // std::cout<<tiles[i][j].position.x<<&#39; &#39;<<tiles[i][j].position.y<<std::endl;
        display_smth(player, window);
    return 0;
when I am running the program the texture is not showing but if i modify the player texture to be bgtex(the tiles texture), the texture is showing as normal, what should i change in the loadTiles() function
« Last Edit: May 23, 2024, 02:28:46 pm by floppa_dev2 »


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Re: Texture is not loading
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2024, 02:36:21 pm »
You can't just put an object outside of any scope and expect it to just work. ;)
You need to learn a bit more about scopes and lifetime, plus compilation units.
It's recommended to not use global variables, but use the class scope, if you want to share something across multiple functions.

Maybe you actually wanted to load the texture on the tile class instead of bgtex that lives outside of everything?

Personally, I recommend to use something like a ResourceHolder and pass a reference to where you want to use a texture.
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