Thanks for the tip...
On that note I decided to try using SFML2 again... unfortunately I'm stuck in winblows here at work, and am using MinGW.
- I compiled SFML2 from the latest snapshot.
- Copied the includes, libs, and bins to the mingw and system32 directories and removed the old libsfml files
now I'm getting this...
..\..\ElementGames\Engine\libegengine.a(Application.cpp.obj):Application.cpp:(.text+0x238): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN2sf12RenderWindowC1ENS_9VideoModeERKSsmRKNS_14WindowSettingsE'
But as far as I can tell, I'm not using WindowSettings anymore?
I'll grep through my code to double check... but I wanted to throw this one out there. It's something I didn't encounter last time I tried SFML2.
Here is my RenderWindow create line:
sfml_application = new sf::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode(resolution_width, resolution_height), "ElementGamesTest", ((fullscreen) ? sf::Style::Fullscreen : sf::Style::Close));