Yeah well as I continue with my engine the only thing left that is not wrapped in the rendering part is shaders. Got an interesting idea that I'll have for my engine but this is my first time ever using shaders in OpenGL so it's fairly new concept for me.
I looked in the Shader.cpp source for SFML and found you used the ARB version? What is the difference from using the GLuint glCreateShader(GLenum shaderType); function?
Also I tried using the glCreateShader function but according to my VS2010 it's an undefined symbol... I tried both with including <gl/GL.h> and <SFML/OpenGL.hpp> but no prevail. I was missing several functions I think was added in OpenGL 3, how do I get the correct development files for that?
Also what is recommended to use? Fairly new to this so any suggestions, ideas and opinions are appreciated.
UPDATE: Got a hold of glCreateShader from GLEW but still would like to know what the pro's and con's are, what the difference is and what I should use.
Also curious, I could get a OpenGL 3.3 context but if taking OpenGL 4.1 it reverted back to 3.3, is OpenGL 4.1 supported at all by SFML or is it just that my laptop is too crappy?