I have an old project I would like to resurrect and convert into an Xcode project. This project compiles successfully using sfml2 successfully like so:
gcc -Wall -lsfml-system -lsfml-window -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL src/*.cpp -o Executable
I followed
However, in Xcode I get an error:
'ContextSettings' is not a member of 'sf'
This bit of code from which this error originates:
sf::VideoMode DesktopMode = sf::VideoMode::GetDesktopMode();
sf::ContextSettings OGLContext(
24, // depth
8, // stencil
4, // antialiasing
2, // major
0); // minor
WIDTH = DesktopMode.Width;
HEIGHT = DesktopMode.Height;
ASPECT = float(WIDTH)/float(HEIGHT);
Window.Create(DesktopMode, "FlightGame", sf::Style::Fullscreen, OGLContext);
Note that this is the first error, so apparently VideoMode is a member. This makes it seem like some sort of SFML1.6 has snuck in.
I have forgotten most of my C++ specific knowledge so debugging this is proving difficult. I really appreciate any help.
- Miles