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Author Topic: Easy channel swap?  (Read 1340 times)

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Easy channel swap?
« on: July 27, 2011, 01:21:47 am »
I was wondering if there was a quick/easy way to swap the channels on an image/sprite.

I'm using Awesomium in my game to test some UI stuff, but for some reason when I have Awesomium push the pixel buffer to the sf::Image of my sprite, the R and B channels are swapped. This is easy to correct using shaders, or doing a pixel by pixel swap, however Id like to avoid dependency on shaders if theres another way, and the pixel by pixel swap is far to slow.

Any suggestions would be helpful



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Easy channel swap?
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2011, 07:51:31 am »
I'm afraid there's no other way.
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer