Dont compare floats using equal (chances are good you'll "miss" your value due to missing precision).
I'd do something like this (pseudo code):
float dx = 0, dy = 0;
dx = max(dx - ax * frametime, -maxdx); // accelerate
else if(key_right)
dx = min(dx + ax * frametime, maxdx); // deaccelerate
dx *= pow(0.9, frametime); // slow down
if(key_jump && !falling && ! jumping)
dy = -djump; // jump
dy = min(dy + gravity * frametime, maxdy); // fall
sprite.Move(dx * frametime, dy * frametime)
To make sure you don't forget your time scaling, just think of the real value representations. A velocity is "distance/time", so you have to scale it once. A acceleration is "distance/(time*time)" so you have to scale the value twice in the end. Or in other words: Input some made up values with real si units, then see if you get some distance only - not a time or velocity