To keep up with the latest SFML sources (and to practice my Python skills), I have made a script which downloads and compiles SFML. It is for Linux (and possibly for Mac). Here is the Python source code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
ask = raw_input("This is a script written to compile the latest version of SFML.\nLets face it, bleeding edge technology rocks!\ \n\nDo you want to continue?(y/n) ")
if ask is 'y':
print("\n\nDownloading source...\n\n")
download = os.system("wget -O SFML_src")
if download == 0:
print("\nExtracting tarball...\n\n")
extract = os.system("tar -zxvf ./SFML_src")
if extract == 0:
rename = raw_input("\n\nPlease rename SFML source file (LaurentGomila-SFML...) to SFML.\nType OK to continue")
if rename is 'OK' or 'ok' or 'Ok':
print("\n\nInstalling dependencies...\n\n")
depinst = os.system("sudo apt-get install cmake libpthread-stubs0-dev libx11-dev \
libxrandr-dev libfreetype6-dev libglew1.6-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libjpeg8-dev libsndfile1-dev\
if depinst == 0:
print("\n\nBuilding SFML...\n\n")
config = os.system("cmake ./SFML")
if config == 0:
makeSF = os.system("make")
if makeSF == 0:
installSF = os.system("sudo make install")
if installSF == 0:
print("\n\nRunning ldconfig...\n\n")
os.system("sudo ldconfig")
finish = raw_input("\n\nSFML installed successfully. Press enter to finish.")
if finish == '\n':
print("An error occured while making SFML")
print("\n\nAn error occured while compiling SFML source with cmake\n\n")
print("\n\nAn error occured while installing required dependencies.\n\n")
print("\n\nAn error occurred. Check if the source file was renamed\n\n")
print("\n\nAn error occured while extreacting the file\n\n")
print("\n\nAn error occured while downloading.\n\n")
I'm still learning Python (I use C++ mostly, but Python can do somethings quicker, like this), so this script can probably be improved loads but I wrote it because it's going to be handy in the future.
Note: at one point, it will ask you to rename the extracted file (called LaurentGomila-SFML-[loads of letters and numbers]) to SFML.
Warning: This will overwrite your previous SFML installation.
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