I followed the tutorial to get SFML to work with Visual C++ 2010 Express and I keep getting an unhandled System.AccessViolationException whenever I try to load an image from file. The offending code is below. stdafx.h contains the include lines for System.hpp, Window.hpp and Graphics.hpp.
#include "stdafx.h"
int main()
sf::Image test;
return 0;
When the exception occurs Visual C++ opens up memcpy.asm with the following assembly indicated:
rep movsd ;N - move all of our dwords
Other SFML 2.0 example code compiles and runs just fine (code from here:
http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.0/start-vc.php runs without any problems). I'm running a 64-bit copy of Windows 7 but I'm compiling for x86/Win32 with dynamic libraries. I understand this release is meant to be a release candidate but it does seem like a bit of a shop-stopping issue.
Please excuse me if I should have posted this to a different forum.