I am using VS2010 with sfml 2.0 rc and I am getting an access violation when creating a window. I was able to make other sfml programs work fine, but my project file seems to be messing this one up. This is the line of code the program fails at in WindowImplWin32.cpp.
int count = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, title.c_str(), static_cast<int>(title.size()), wTitle, sizeof(wTitle) / sizeof(*wTitle));
I thought it was a unicode problem so I changed Project->Properties->General->Character Set to Use Multi-Byte Character Set but that didn't work.
I don't want to make a project from stract because I am using IBM cplex and all the settings are working for it but seem to conflict with sfml settings. I attached my project file.
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