Hi there!
I´m trying to get my game working under Fedora 18 x64
Im using C++ and SFML 2.0 from GitHub (very recent version)
I have created a folder where my font files are stored. Under win7, I load the files as usual:
if (!myFont.loadFromFile ("fonts//asd.ttf"))
// ...
And it works fine.
However, under Linux, this doesn´t work. The game compiles fine, but when I run it, I get this error message:
Failed to load font <filename> (failed to create the font face)The font files seems to work fine (I can open them from Dolphin, the KDE file explorer)
I tried changing the file path:
- ./fonts//name.ttf
- .//fonts//name.ttf
- fonts//name.ttf
I can open (read and write) simple text files created by me using
std::fstream. It works. Even files inside a folder (like "./config/engine.cfg")
Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to specify the full path to the files under Linux? SFML bug?

EDIT:: Solved