Hey guys,
I want to save and load a pretty huge tilemap (5000 x 3000 tiles). I only have one idea and I don't know if it is a good one, so I ask here
Of course I can't save/load everything at once, because it is too much (15000000 integers).
So I thought I have to split the hole map into chunks und save/load them if I enter/leave them.
So that I have several files, one for each chunk. Is this a good solution or does there exist better ones?
If I would do so, I would load the chunk where I am at and lets say the 9 chunks surrounded by it at the beginning of the game.
In-game if I leave one chunk I save it and load the chunk I entered, in threads.
And if I generate the map for the first time I should save the hole map once, or?
Greetings, Geheim!