Hello guys! Long time no see..!!
I've been working on a new project with some class-mates of mine, and we need to chat with each-other..
This is my half-part of the project, and i've done the server part at the very base..
Now i tried to make the client side, which gave me this error:
1>Client.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static class sf::Time const sf::Time::Zero" (?Zero@Time@sf@@2V12@B)
With a following of LNK1120:unresolved externals..
Anything i can do to make it working?
#include <iostream> //For basic terminal-like behaviour and features
#include <string> //String recognition through the terminal
#include <SFML/Network.hpp> //SFML Network library for networking
int main() {
//Collect needed information
//Server IP-Address
std::string serverCurIP;
std::cout << "Server IP: ";
std::cin >> serverCurIP;
sf::IpAddress serverIP = serverCurIP;
//Server Port
unsigned short serverCurPort;
std::cout << "Server Port: ";
std::cin >> serverCurPort;
// Create the new TCP-socket using the given data
sf::TcpSocket clientSock;
clientSock.connect(serverIP, serverCurPort);
std::string test = "testing data";
clientSock.send(test.c_str(), test.length() +1);
Thanks in advance!