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Author Topic: RedHat/Fedora packages for SFML  (Read 9842 times)

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RedHat/Fedora packages for SFML
« on: June 14, 2013, 03:12:39 pm »
The repository introduced here is broken at the moment but its packages are getting in the official Fedora repository. They should be available soon and a simple "yum install *sfml*" command will be enough.

In the meantime, you can download them from http://sonkun.fedorapeople.org/SFML where you'll find SFML and its bindings. You need to download the .rpm files.

I'll update this thread to give the new instructions.

This is the Redhat/Fedora version of the Debian/Ubuntu package for the SFML project(http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=11338.0). As I haven't mastered the rpm package building process yet you'll find only a few packages, but hopefully the most important ones ;) The others should follow shortly.

The packages are available for a range of RedHat and Fedora distributions (Fedora 7, 8, 9 and RedHat 5, 6) and always ompiled on two architectures (i386 and x86_64).

Packages are available on my server (http://python-sfml.org/fedora) and to tell yum where they are you'd typically add a configuration file named "sfml.repo" in /etc/yum.repos.d/. It should contain the following:
name = Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
baseurl = http://python-sfml.org/fedora

For convenience, instead of creating the file manually, type:
yum-config-manager --add-repo http://python-sfml.org/fedora/sfml.repo
which should set up the file with its gpg key (see below).

For those who are concerned by the authenticity and security of packages they are all signed (as well as the repository). To make sure only verified packages show up in the console, when typing yum search, add these two lines to your sfml.repo file (already done if you used yum-config-manager).


Here is my GPG public key: http://www.python-sfml.org/fedora/GPG-KEY-sfml

Optionally, to enable/disable the repository (enabled by default):
yum-config-manager --enable sfml
yum-config-manager --disable sfml

In the near future I shall split the repository into two- the stable one, which will contain stable releases, and the development repository, with snapshots or alpha versions.

Over time I will only provide packages for supported RedHat/Fedora versions. That means I'll drop Fedora 7 to provide for Fedora 10, etc.

Note: I'm not satisfied with the current domain name as "python-sfml" doesn't match the overall theme of these packages, which is "SFML" and I hope to provide them later under a more official name.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 06:44:25 pm by Sonkun »
Interested in using SFML with Python ? Try out its Python binding!


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Re: RedHat/Fedora packages for SFML
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2013, 03:02:59 pm »
it's a great work!!  :) Thank you from all Fedora/RedHat users.


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Re: RedHat/Fedora packages for SFML
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2013, 03:19:59 pm »
Oh, I just have little question.
I'm a Fedora 18 users (I will upgrade when my work will allow me to do it) and I don't know why, my yum does just see your packages for Fedora 19.
Of course, I can directly download the packages I want and install theim manually, but it's a bit strange, no?


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Re: RedHat/Fedora packages for SFML
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2013, 04:07:53 pm »
My repository is a bit broken at the moment but its packages are getting in the official Fedora repository so, they should be available soon with a simple command line: "yum install *sfml*".

In the meantime, you can download them from http://sonkun.fedorapeople.org/SFML/ where you'll find SFML and its bindings. You won't find the ruby and D bindings because they still have rpmlint warnings and errors.

You want the .rpm files :)

Good luck!
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 06:36:33 pm by Sonkun »
Interested in using SFML with Python ? Try out its Python binding!


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Re: RedHat/Fedora packages for SFML
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2013, 05:14:39 pm »
Ok, thanks.
I think I will wait for the official Fedora packages.
For now, I use compiled by myself libs, but it will be great to just have to do a simple "yum update" instead of : "cd Sfmldirectory ; git pull; make ; sudo make install;"

