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Author Topic: Destroy the application when it is not been use  (Read 1520 times)

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Destroy the application when it is not been use
« on: June 25, 2013, 04:27:46 pm »
Hai, i am new on SFML 2.0.. First of all, i want to explain how my program works: i already created the Snake and Ladder game, with welcome screen, graphics (where everything run in here) and end game, and change player button, when the user run the game, the welcome screen appeared and when the user press number 1, 2 or 3 it change the screen to graphics and added the player ball depends on what number that the user hit on the keyboard.. My Question is: Is the welcome screen just hide on behind graphics and not well removed (i think of it because i not declare any delete function that destroy the welcome screen, just linked it), how to remove the welcome screen while not being used? and how to appear it again while the game is still running and the player hit "change player" button?

Thanks for those who answered my question.. Good night


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Re: Destroy the application when it is not been use
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2013, 08:19:48 am »
Hey! :)
1 Question: When the player hits a button and the game starts, the welcome screen "hides"?
If yes, i dont think there is any problem having it "destroyed".. If the game runs smoothly on the pc there is no problem.. Except if you are having excessive memory/performance leaks..
My advice: keep it as it is, until you find yourself limited in memory/performance..
Best regards and I hope i helped :)