There are two misunderstandings here.
Just because something has aged doesn't mean it won't work totally fine. sf::Clock and sf::Time have not changed in the past years and SFML 2.x is backwards compatible, so if it worked then, it will work now.
The Wiki on GitHub is a community wiki, anyone can edit and contribute, as such it's by definition not an official code repository. My name is listed on a bunch of pages as the author, but that's just because I once brought a structure into the wiki, moving pages around and GitHub didn't track the history fully.
If there's something you have noticed not to work woth sftools, I suggest to open an GitHub issue on sftools repository. If there's nothing broken, then feel free to ignore the SFML 2.0 label.
It's generally best to create a new thread unless it's 100% on topic. You can always just mention the thread you found and seen some parallels.