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Author Topic: Line between tiles appearing with certain Views  (Read 2683 times)

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Line between tiles appearing with certain Views
« on: June 10, 2009, 06:24:50 pm »
When rendering, some lines appear between tiles on certain view conditions.

I will make a simple example to reproduce it... but you'll need to wait.

The view's size is static, it just moves.
The position is rounded to 0.0001f just in case of rounding errors (i.e. x-=fmod(x, 0.0001f)).
The half-size is set after each position change to avoid entropy of the values.
This won't fix it.

All tiles are placed in integer multiples (positions 0.0, 64.0, 128.0...)

Temporarily I worked around it by having the tiles to be 1 pixel wider (my tiles are 64x64, the sprites are 65x65).
Adding half a pixel helped but it still happend but less times.


