I want to show you "färg"! It's an arcade-y multiplayer(Up to 5 players!) platform game, inspired by Mega Man, Smash Bros and Meat Boy. It currently features 7 different weapons and 12 maps. Matches tend to become really hectic and screaming at your friends is not uncommon!
Features: Fast paced platformer deathmatch multiplayer
7 different weapons
12 different levels
options to play game on time or guys(extra lives), or both, or none
level editor(kinda complicated to save levels atm, will fix later)
Features coming soon: Capture the flag games
Music (I have an extremely talented friend who is working on it!)
More weapons!
Probably lots more, but lets get this done first
Multiplayer requires gamepads connected to a computer. I hope some people here have 'em connected and try it out!
I made a similar version of this game about a year ago in XNA, but this summer I decided to get into C++ and found SFML, so after a couple of smaller projects I decided to rewrite this game again. Working on the smaller projects I've written a bunch of basecode that makes programming a game simpler, stuff like gameloop, input handling and using textures and sound(I've got no sound in färg yet, but the code for it is at least there!).
There is a level editor, but it might need some explanation to use. You can find a directory with all the maps in it, if you edit a map in the editor and save it, you need to copy the "temp" map and rename it, then add it to the "map_list.txt" file to find it in game. This is sloppy as hell but I made it real quick, will probably fix it later ^^
Leave a comment if you any feedback/thoughts/hate/love or something! This is still very much a work in progress, so I'll try and update here with a new build or something once a week or so during development, next up is implementing capture the flag!
on computer: move with arrows, shoot with X, jump with Z and drop weapons with C
on gamepad: move with thumbstick, jump with A, shoot with X and drop weapons with B
Download the game here! (v0.1)Download the game here! (v0.11)//Ditto