I like the current Vector/Rect notation because is verbose as the rest of the library functions (But not in an extreme way).
I always liked the Open*L notation, so 2f is the clearest way to tell me that it has 2 floats. As the basic types are lower case, the letter should be to. Also, the capital D is used for other meanings, like glTexImage2D (2 dimensions, not 2 floats
FloatVector2 seems to long to me. But you can always typedef to whatever makes you happy. An umbrella header is the easiest approach.
I'm more ok with the verbose versions that "Rectf/Recti" that sounds (in the later) like a
latin conjugation for ASS :lol:
For these almost-basic algebraic types I like verbosity but when It doesn't exceed a length of about 10 characters. After that it starts bloating the source code and looks like crap.
Well, happy ranting to the rest xD