I just noticed that when I press the (-/_) key (between 0 and +/=) on my Apple keyboard, it's reported by keypress events as Keyboard::Menu instead of Keyboard::Dash. I'm on MacOSX (10.7), and I compiled the libraries myself using CMake. Does this happen for anyone else?
EDIT: More detail! The key event says it's KEY_MENU and in addition that it has all four modifier keys pressed, when in fact none were pressed; also, no TextEntered event seems to be generated. Pressing it with a modifier key seems not to trigger any keypress event, though with shift or option a TextEntered event is generated.
EDIT 2: On closer inspection, it looks like there's no KeyPressed event at all and the event is simply a TextEntered event. So, the TextEntered is generated, but the KeyPressed is not. This is contrary to the behaviour of (for example) alphabetic keys, which generate both a KeyPress and a TextEntered.
EDIT 3: This prompted me to try all keys to see what they're reported as, and I discovered that pressing tilde generates Keyboard::Dash instead of Keyboard::Tilde! However, if a modifier key is held while pressing tilde, no keypress seems to be reported. There were other things as well that I noticed, but they're probably not as important.
EDIT 4: Not quite related, but I can't catch Command-Period. When I press it I just hear the system alert sound and my program doesn't get an event. This could be related to Command-Period being a common "interrupt" sequence? I'm not sure.