Hi there.
I'm currently trying to get a simple sample app to work in iOS Simulator. After the hell having to compile FreeType-lib and LibJPEG (I have no idea which versions have been compiled and committed to the repository, but the last trunk versions of these have various incompatible parts of source code), I have now have a running app based on the MacOS Sample Code for the main loop. However. The screen stays black. Trying to change the glClearColor does nothing, it stays black. Further the "[m_context presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES]" call inside the "EAglContext::display()"-method takes about one second. No vsynch, no frametime specified.
Any ideas?
Edit: I forgot to include SFML/Main.hpp. Then I had to remove the Storyboard-reference from Info.plist, but now my main() doesn't get called anymore at all.
Edit2: There had been no way to get CLang convinced to call my "main" (actually internally the "sfmlMain"). Seems to be a linker-issue. Currently I performed a hack I'd like to remove: I have my own correct "main", that one calls the MainiOS.mm-main (I renamed it), then it starts the Application-Delegate and calls back my sfmlMain. I have removed the function-definitions in SFMain.mm for that to work (even though they were weak). Like I said, I'd like to rather have my SFML not patched this way, but I didn't get it to work otherwise.