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Author Topic: [ODFAEG] (Open Source Development Framework Adapted for Every Game)  (Read 149734 times)

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Jesper Juhl

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Re: [ODFAEG] (Open Source Development Framework Adapted for Every Game)
« Reply #315 on: June 08, 2014, 10:35:35 pm »
Lolilolight, seriously; stop it.

I have to say this (and I probably couldn't sugar-coat it even if I tried, so I'm just going to say it) but it's really nothing you haven't been told multiple times already by multiple people, so it shouldn't come as a surprise.

Yes right I'll post one demo on this forum and on the SDL forum (because I still use SFML for the network and the sound) but, this'll be for later
I'll believe this when I see it.

... I still have to do all the game play. (And rewrite my IA)
Sure you do, just like you've just finished subsystem "foo" and just need to implement "bar" - then a few days later you've finished "bar" but needed to rewrite "foo"  yadayada...
And btw, if you mean "Artificial Intelligence", then it's "AI", not "IA" - and seriously, that's not something you just write and it's not something that can be generalized and put into a "framework".

And finishing to adapt the graphic module with SDL.
Have fun. I for one am looking forward to seeing the SDL peoples reactions when you start spamming their forum (I've got popcorn ready).
At this point I personally don't think it makes any difference if you use SDL, SFML, raw OpenGL or whatever else - you'll end up with the same broken mess either way.

If you want to write games, then write a game rather than writing an engine (as Grimshaw already said).
You are just wasting your time - time that you could spend writing an actual game.
I'll bet real money that whatever you end up with for this framework of yours will be something that you won't even use yourself (once you try to build an actual game) and I'm 100% positive that noone else will use it either if you keep at it like you have been for the past many months (years?).

You should really start reading what people have been writing in this thread over and over and realize that maybe you are not the programming god you think you are and start doing some real work towards learning C++ well before trying to do something more ambitious.
Just the fact that you recently had to be told what the effect of using "using namespace foo;" actually does (which is in chapter 1 of any decent C++ book) tells me that you are a beginner with too much self confidence and you really need to acknowledge the fact that maybe you really do have a lot to learn.
There's a reason I linked to the Dunning–Kruger effect earlier - I honestly believe that you are suffering from this; to quote "If you’re incompetent, you can’t know you’re incompetent. […] the skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is.".

And speaking about updates to this thread. Noone cares that you've just updated whatever odd corner of your code, so don't post that here. If you have a personal dev blog then post it there - at least there it would be somewhat at home.

I've seen you write that you are 25 years of age (so was I at some point lost in history). Take it from someone who's been writing code for longer than you have been alive: I've made many of the same mistakes you have. I've been overconfident with my own skill. I've believed that everyone else were idiots and I was the only genious who could write something good. etc.  I've also been proven wrong!
It took me years to learn that I wrote crap code and that I had basically no ide what I was doing. I finally got it and started to listen to people better than me and to seriously study the things I work with and I believe (hope) that I've improved. So can you. But you need to start!

And this thread needs to end!


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Re: [ODFAEG] (Open Source Development Framework Adapted for Every Game)
« Reply #316 on: June 08, 2014, 10:38:39 pm »
I've finished the engine, now I'm testing it. (I don't care about the time because unlikely some of my old comerades like Gregouar I can encode a games with 100 lines instead of 1000 if I didn't had an engine.)

The only things which remains to do is more optimized rendering. (by example pixel by pixel rendering, 3D terrain generation and 3D obj model loading)

And I don't need the whole documentation and the whole functionnalities of a framework to do that.

My framework makes only 200 mo.

I'm not an amator like Greg, I'm a professionnal, I've already done stages, high level studies and many other things at home. (Not only games so)

Then, please, stop trolling.

PS : The AI is for the demo and will not be a part of the framework.

PS 2 : I'll stop to answer here know, otherwise it'll become..., a war.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 10:58:25 pm by Lolilolight »


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Re: [ODFAEG] (Open Source Development Framework Adapted for Every Game)
« Reply #317 on: June 08, 2014, 11:04:09 pm »
PS 2 : I'll stop to answer here know, otherwise it'll become..., a war.
I actually wanted to write something, but you're probably right. Everything important has been said meanwhile. So let's see...

To the other users, it would be nice if you didn't post here just to repeat the things that have been said, or for your personal entertainment... Otherwise this will never end.
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Jesper Juhl

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Re: [ODFAEG] (Open Source Development Framework Adapted for Every Game)
« Reply #318 on: June 08, 2014, 11:10:54 pm »
I'm not an amator like Greg, I'm a professionnal, I've already done stages, high level studies and many other things at home. (Not only games so)

Then, please, stop trolling.

I'm not trolling.
Whatever you may think, I'm actually trying to help you.

And as far as being an amateur goes, I fail to see how you could be much else.
Personally I started writing code when I was 12 (that's 26 years ago by now) (C64 basic, then moved to m68000 asm on the amiga, x386 asm on i386 and then onto C, C++ and other languages). When I was 25 I was still fairly green and my current self would consider my 25year old self an amateur.

What moves you from amateur to professional is what you've done and the experience you've gained.
Personally (just to give a little example) I've been involved with the Linux kernel for ~20 years by now (and the git history proves it (at least as far back as it goes)), doing mostly minor stuff, but hey it's been good. I was one of the original architects (and main developers) behind the Keepit backup software for close to 5 years. I worked on the Sysorb monitoring software for years (including writing a defragmentation tool for their custom database).
I've done video streaming software, software to cryptographically secure http connections, software to maintain/manage hundreds of webservers at hosting companies, credit card clearing software and much much more. I'm currently employed doing work on a medical image viewer - amongst other things optimizing its streaming capabilities. I've also worked as a software tester and Systems Administrator amongst other things.
Not to boast, but that in my book qualifies me as a professional. Merely having a degree in computer science and a few hobby projects does not (in my book). And I'll take the liberty to say that at this point in time I believe I have a fairly good idea of what makes a competent developer and what doesn't.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 11:21:57 pm by Jesper Juhl »


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Re: [ODFAEG] (Open Source Development Framework Adapted for Every Game)
« Reply #319 on: June 08, 2014, 11:12:53 pm »
To the other users, it would be nice if you didn't post here just to repeat the things that have been said, or for your personal entertainment... Otherwise this will never end.



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Re: [ODFAEG] (Open Source Development Framework Adapted for Every Game)
« Reply #320 on: June 09, 2014, 02:44:57 am »
Jesper and the others make pretty fair observations indeed.. I'd just say that worse than a lacking C++ knowledge,(I think Lolilolight has enough c++ knowledge to get something decent done) is the complete cluelessness about engine architectures..

He doesn't seem to have any idea how old engines used to be built and much less how modern engines are being built (They are successful and thriving for a reason, but you seem to think your design is simply better than theirs). Yet, you seem to think you can make an awesome engine on the first try, with the first weird clueless design you could came up with.. Not only your end to this task is poorly defined, you are taking the wrong path in the wrong way...

But well, no one better than a future you to proove to yourself the things people have been saying around here.. I think some day you will understand that "those little things that you just need to finish to be done with it" are actually tasks so complex that you can't even do yet.. Even if you don't get to that, I truly wish you the best of luck and success in what you're doing :)


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Re: [ODFAEG] (Open Source Development Framework Adapted for Every Game)
« Reply #321 on: June 09, 2014, 11:47:00 am »
This thread ends right now.

Lolilolight: feel free to ask me to unlock this thread as soon as you have something relevant to show. I'll be happy to do it.

Others: I know, but... this has to stop, really.
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer