Well everyone can use the upcoming SFML game jam as their first game
Not really, unless you do all the work on the 31th, but it could count as the February game.
But for me personally, it would be too constraining. There may be months when I don't have time at all, and I would need to hack something low-quality together just to adhere to my own restrictions... I prefer to develop when I have time, and for how long I consider it necessary until something is good... But that's my opinion, I can completely understand that people enjoy One Game A Month.
I completely understand that. And given that you've already two rather high quality games to present, shows that you actually get things done.
I on the other hand and I know the same goes for many other developers, never get to finish something, regardless of the quality. Plus it's not about creating quality games, but it's about having fun and learning from it.
Not to forget that even the "monthly" is a tensile,
Instead of talking 5 minutes about the same topic, the guy could have shown at least some games in his video
It's a keynote not a gallery, plus showing off all the great games could make people try to achieve that kind of level, even though it should be about making your own thing at your own pace.
If you want to see games from someone that made successfully last year, check out
this thread.