The tutorial on is incomplete and outdated. Templates and most parts of the standard library (especially the STL) are not really covered. Dynamic polymorphism is covered only superficially, topics like multiple or virtual inheritance are omitted. Modern idioms or best practices like RAII are not treated either, let alone advanced topics like overload resolution, ADL or exception safety. On the other side, the tutorial teaches obsolete concepts such as exception specifications.
It's always the same, I don't know a single tutorial that teaches C++ in a meaningful way. There's a reason why the good books like C++ Primer have around 1000 pages: C++ is an extremely complex language. And that's only the language and library features; how to use them is explained in further books such as Effective C++ or Exceptional C++. It doesn't pay off to learn it half-way, C++ is very unforgiving if you don't know it well. If quick learning time is a criterion, one might also consider more beginner-friendly languages such as C# or Java.
Now it might be worthwhile look for a C++11 book, since several things have changed meanwhile. Some fundamental approaches are different from before and affect daily programming (type inference, move semantics, range-based for loop, uniform initialization...).