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Author Topic: [Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager  (Read 21420 times)

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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« on: July 29, 2009, 07:51:45 am »
Just wanted to point out my thread-safe resource manager:


It also uses boost::shared_ptr to prevent resources which are still in use from being unloaded. An example of a font loader is included.


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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2009, 07:31:35 pm »
The resource manager code has been simplified a little by using a scoped lock (->RAII)


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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2009, 10:02:54 pm »
Quote from: "Wavesonics"
Very nice manager l0calh05t, looks based off mine a little ;)

Because I use a virtual loading function? Or because I use an stl::map? Both would be the obvious choice in my oppinion, and apparently, in yours as well  :)


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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2009, 11:01:55 am »
Some feedback:

1) You're doing two lookups into the map every time something is loaded.  You can avoid this by using references to update in place.  It also shortens the code.  In this particular situation it doesn't matter too much since it's on the uncommon path, but it's a good technique in general.

Code: [Select]

// P is either the pre-existing entry, or a default constructed (i.e. NULL)
// Resource if it wasn't already in the map.  Since P is a reference,
// we can update it in place.
Resource& P = resources[locator];
if (!P) {
  Resource& loaded = LoadResource(locator);
  if (loaded)
    P = loaded
    throw std::runtime_error("BORK!");

2)  When iterating a container, it's generally best to cache the end iterator, as long as you're sure you won't be invalidating it.  std::map isn't particularly bad, but in general it's hard to know how much work is involved in calling end(), and I've seen simple loops that ended up being ridiculously slow entirely because they called end() on every iteration.  The idiom I typically use is below.  It's a bit more complicated, but I've found it a good habit to get into to avoid surprises down the road.

Code: [Select]

// This assumes we're using a map where (...) doesn't invalidate
// arbitrary iterators.  This is almost always the case with std::map
// (unless you do something really braindead), but most hash_maps
// offer weaker iterator guarantees, so be careful!
for (ResourceMap::iterator I = resources.begin(), E = resources.end(); I != E; ++I) {

3)  This is a meta-comment, but std::map isn't really what you want in this situation, for several reasons.

First, because it's a tree-based structure, lookup time is logarithmic.  So you're doing a logarithmic time operation each time you access a resource, even on the hot path.  You really want to be using a hash map structure, which can take longer in the uncommon case when a resource is actually loaded, but is constant time for the common case.  I think boost has hash maps, and it's not that hard to write your own.

Secondly, using the default comparison operators for maps of strings is generally a really bad idea, since comparing strings is linear in the length of the string.  You really want to be using a hash map with a hash function specialized for strings so that you're not doing several linear-time string comparisons on each insertion.

Third, std::map is very copy-heavy.  That is to say that any key or value used in the map will be duplicated many times.  Thus, for something with comparatively expensive copy semantics like std::string, you'll be paying a non-trivial amount of time making needless copies of the string.  You either want to use some sort of rope class that reduces the copy cost, or use a non-copying hash map.

The LLVM source base has a very good StringMap class that provides a very efficient string-to-T map that I usually pull in to projects where I need to do a significant amount of string mapping..


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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2009, 11:52:07 am »
A small question up front: Did you profile this (not in a synthetic benchmark) and notice any problem?

1. There is a good reason I did it this way: Your version adds an (empty) entry even when the resource could not be loaded (the exceptional case). Furthermore there is an error in your code: loaded must be a Resource, and not a Resource&.

2. Calling end() is slow?!? Sorry, but that is utter BS. Besides, the only loop that uses this frees resources (slow) and is meant to be called between levels (or whenever else there is a lot of time), so it isn't performance relevant.

3. A hash map might be better. You can try the tr1::unordered_map, to see if it is better, should there be performance problems (unlikely). Although I am not 100% sure if ReleaseUnusedResources can remain unchanged (different iterator semantics and all that). BTW, string hashes are usually also linear in time ;-)


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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2009, 12:23:51 pm »
Quote from: "l0calh05t"
A small question up front: Did you profile this (not in a synthetic benchmark) and notice any problem?

This particular case, no.  However, all of these are idioms picked up from working professionally on improving the compile-time performance of LLVM, where (mis-)use of the STL turned out to be a huge time sink.  The STL is nice and clean and better than most people's naive implementations, but it's not perfect, and using it poorly can result in performance surprises.

The intent was that the first two, at least, are simple enough that one can just adopt them as idioms without making your code awful

1. There is a good reason I did it this way: Your version adds an (empty) entry even when the resource could not be loaded (the exceptional case). Furthermore there is an error in your code: loaded must be a Resource, and not a Resource&.

You're right on the typo, but wrong about the failure case being a good reason.  If loading a resource fails, there's a high probability it was a catastrophic failure, and we're going to bail anyways, so nobody cares if we made an extra entry in the map.

2. Calling end() is slow?!? Sorry, but that is utter BS. Besides, the only loop that uses this frees resources (slow) and is meant to be called between levels (or whenever else there is a lot of time), so it isn't performance relevant.

I did mention that it's not (particularly) slow for std::map, but it can be for iterators in general.  Consider that the STL contains things like iterators for generating permutations, etc., which do non-trivial amounts of work to decide what end() means.  Again, while it's not a huge issue in this case, I think it's a worthwhile idiom to develop so that you're not surprised at some point later on.

3. A hash map might be better. You can try the tr1::unordered_map, to see if it is better, should there be performance problems (unlikely). Although I am not 100% sure if ReleaseUnusedResources can remain unchanged (different iterator semantics and all that).

Yes, ReleaseUnusedResources would have to change, since erasure from a hash_map invalidates all iterators.  The simple fix would be to iterate over the map calling reset() on the pointers, rather than actually removing them.  If you're really concerned about the size of the map itself, you could collect them in a vector and erase them afterwards.

BTW, string hashes are usually also linear in time ;-)

Yes, but they only need to be computed once per lookup.  An insertion into an std::map will perform a logarithmic number of comparisons, each linear in the length of the string.  A hash_map specialized for string comparisons would do a single linear hash at the beginning, and one for each hash collision, including the real hit.  Unless you have a god-awful hash function, that's a distinct improvement.


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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2009, 12:34:37 pm »
As an aside, I'm not trying to deride your code.  It's perfectly fine as it is and, to be honest, you'd probably need to beat on it pretty hard to bring out the issues I'm raising.

The reason I commented at all is that, while they're not critical in this case, from experience, some of those issues can and do cause performance problems in the real world.  While we can all agree that premature optimization is generally a bad thing, I think there's also a point where, if you can write the same code in an more or equally clean way and avoid potential pitfalls at the same time, it's worth it.  Think of it as a "defensive optimizing" technique: if the code is just as clean (or cleaner) and it removes the possibility of an issue, why not go for it?

EDIT: Also, std::map's of std::string's are just a hard-wired cringe response for me. One can imagine how a compiler, doing a lot of text processing, might beat on those.... ;-)


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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2009, 12:48:54 pm »
Quote from: "resistor"

You're right on the typo, but wrong about the failure case being a good reason.  If loading a resource fails, there's a high probability it was a catastrophic failure, and we're going to bail anyways, so nobody cares if we made an extra entry in the map.

I disagree. Most of the time, a resource that failed to load is not a catastrophic failure. A texture did not load? Ok, just use a default texture (maybe a nice hot pink :-P ). A font didn't load? Use the default font.

I did mention that it's not (particularly) slow for std::map, but it can be for iterators in general.  Consider that the STL contains things like iterators for generating permutations, etc., which do non-trivial amounts of work to decide what end() means.  Again, while it's not a huge issue in this case, I think it's a worthwhile idiom to develop so that you're not surprised at some point later on.

I can't think of any example in the STL that this would apply to. Besides, I'm deleting elements in this loop, so in the case where nontrivial work is done for end, it is likely that the cached iterator would become invalidated, so it poses an extra risk of undefined behavior. (I worked in reliable software for aerospace applications for a while... I'll take 'less risk of errors' over 'possibly faster in an unusual case' anytime ;-) )

Yes, ReleaseUnusedResources would have to change, since erasure from a hash_map invalidates all iterators.  The simple fix would be to iterate over the map calling reset() on the pointers, rather than actually removing them.  If you're really concerned about the size of the map itself, you could collect them in a vector and erase them afterwards.

If you don't mind the extra entries (which especially for games that stream large amounts of resources might be a lot), you could just as well use weak pointers so that the deletion is taken care of automatically (and spread over multiple frames).


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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2009, 01:15:59 pm »
Quote from: "l0calh05t"

I disagree. Most of the time, a resource that failed to load is not a catastrophic failure. A texture did not load? Ok, just use a default texture (maybe a nice hot pink :-P ). A font didn't load? Use the default font.

I think you must have a very different use case in mind than me.  If I'm writing a game and a texture fails to load, it means that my game data is corrupted somehow.  Even it I want to proceed with fallback data, I'm already at the stuff-is-screwed-up-who-cares-how-fast-it-is point.

I can't think of any example in the STL that this would apply to.

It really depends a lot on what you're doing in the loop.  For instance, in a loop that iterates over a vector and sums the elements, the call to end() will dwarf the actual body of the loop.

As a more realistic example of something (not in the STL) where this comes up is when people write depth-first tree iterators.  The "end" state for such an iteration is something like "all nodes are in the (implicit) visited set," so calling end() involves instantiating a set and adding all the nodes to it.

The other place I see things like this is when the exit comparison is more complicated, like "I == MyMap[Foo].end()".  Even that's not so bad, but it builds up as you add more indirections.

Plus, if you cache end() by default, your code becomes more self-documenting in that cases where you don't cache it must be because you're doing invalidating mutation, though having comments to that effect is still a good idea.

Besides, I'm deleting elements in this loop, so in the case where nontrivial work is done for end, it is likely that the cached iterator would become invalidated, so it poses an extra risk of undefined behavior.

Yup.  And I put a giant comment to that effect. ;-)

If you don't mind the extra entries (which especially for games that stream large amounts of resources might be a lot), you could just as well use weak pointers so that the deletion is taken care of automatically (and spread over multiple frames).

True, though boost::weak_ptr doesn't play nice with my other suggestion to avoid double-lookups. ;-)


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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2009, 05:09:07 pm »
Quote from: "resistor"
writing a game and a texture fails to load, it means that my game data is corrupted somehow.  Even it I want to proceed with fallback data, I'm already at the stuff-is-screwed-up-who-cares-how-fast-it-is point.

Probably. I'm thinking about an easily moddable engine, with resources being loaded by scripts (and that means errors here are quite likely).

I can't think of any example in the STL that this would apply to.

[...] (not in the STL) [...]


Yup.  And I put a giant comment to that effect. ;-)

I know, and I know loads of programmers who:
-don't read comments properly
-write comments, then change the code afterwards (esp. if it's not their own code...)

True, though boost::weak_ptr doesn't play nice with my other suggestion to avoid double-lookups. ;-)

But works fine with my version :wink:


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« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2010, 09:08:57 pm »

Thanks for the Resource Manager, it looks nice.

But I'm having one problem with it, I was wondering if someone could help me. Even the FontManager example (gotten from the wiki) doesn't run.

I get:
Code: [Select]
=== mapTEST, Debug ===


In member function ‘boost::shared_ptr<X> ResourceManager<T>::GetResource(const std::string&)’:

error: expected ‘;’ before ‘it’

error: ‘it’ was not declared in this scope

error: ‘it’ was not declared in this scope


In member function ‘void ResourceManager<T>::ReleaseUnusedResources()’:

error: expected ‘;’ before ‘it’

error: ‘it’ was not declared in this scope

error: expected ‘;’ before ‘cur’

error: ‘cur’ was not declared in this scope


In member function ‘boost::shared_ptr<X> ResourceManager<T>::GetResource(const std::string&) [with T = sf::Font]’:

instantiated from here

error: dependent-name ‘std::map::iterator’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type

note: say ‘typename std::map::iterator’ if a type is meant


In member function ‘void ResourceManager<T>::ReleaseUnusedResources() [with T = sf::Font]’:

instantiated from here

error: dependent-name ‘std::map::iterator’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type

note: say ‘typename std::map::iterator’ if a type is meant

error: dependent-name ‘std::map::iterator’ is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type

note: say ‘typename std::map::iterator’ if a type is meant

=== Build finished: 10 errors, 0 warnings ===

So I did what it said and added this line (the third one):
Code: [Select]
typedef boost::shared_ptr<T> Resource;
typedef std::map<std::string, Resource> ResourceMap;
typename ResourceMap::iterator ResourceIterator;

and changed whenever it said ResourceMap::iterator to ResourceIterator, but it still gives the same error, except for the last part, where it says to use a typename. But it still doesn't work, it still says it's missing a ; before every time I have an iterator "it".

I tried with both typedef and typename but it always says the same thing. I also tried defining it like this:
Code: [Select]
typename std::map< std::string, boost::shared_ptr<T> >::iterator ResourceIterator;
but still no luck.

What can I do? Is it something I'm doing?



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« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2010, 03:04:52 am »
I finally, after about 6 hours, solved the problem.

I think, where it says:
Code: [Select]
ResourceMap::iterator it

it should say:
Code: [Select]
typename ResourceMap::iterator it

So simple and yet it took me so long...


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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2010, 03:20:18 am »

I keep having problems with using sfml together with this.

So I can make an image manager. So I have the class ImageManager which inherits from ResourceManager.

Then I make a sf::Sprite sp, and suppose I have a boost::shared_ptr<sf::Image> im and I want to assign that image to the sprite. So I go sp.SetImage(*im). But then I get always the white rectangle, because the use count doesn't increase and the resource manager thinks it has the unique pointer to it, so it deletes it.

What can I do?


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[Sources] Thread-safe Resource Manager
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2010, 07:45:33 am »
Why does the image manager destroy the image? The purpose of such a class is to keep loaded instances and provide them when they are requested again.
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer


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« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2010, 07:57:17 am »
Yeah, that's the purpose of the image manager, to not destroy the image.

But it tries to release unused resources at every iteration, with a call to ReleaseUnusedResources.

And Sprite has a pointer to the image (I assume) but it's not a boost::shared_ptr<sf::Image> so it doesn't count. So the sad truth is that this resource manager would be great, if it weren't for the fact that it doesn't work well with sfml. Either that, or I'm too dumb to figure out a clean way.

The only way I can figure is to keep a copy of the boost::shared_ptr<sf::Image> I used to create the sprite stored somewhere (perhaps in the entity that created the sprite). But that seems unclean.

The best solution would be if SFML used smart boost pointers in Sprite, but that would make it kind of a pain for non-boost-using users :)

Oh well, I'll just have to make due with what I have.