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Author Topic: Tiled.SFML - Simplest way of handling Tiled Map Editor maps with SFML  (Read 2654 times)

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Simplest way of handling Tiled Map Editor maps with SFML

Hello. This is my another contribution to SFML community. This loader/renderer is for .NET of course (as all of my projects).

So what is this?
This small library is in short loader and renderer of maps loaded from Tiled Map Editor http://mapeditor.org. It is using TiledSharp for loading Tiled map files.

How to use it?
It is really easy, but I will share tutorial later.

Is this working?
Hmm, I do not tested it yet, but I converted it from my engine for what I originally made this to SFML format (using SFML vectors, rectangles and views). Be aware that renderer is not optimized yet, so it can be a bit slower (I will convert it to vertex array in next update).

Where can I get it?
You can get source on my GitHub here https://github.com/eatenbrain/Tiled.SFML
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