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Author Topic: How can i connect socket.io server?  (Read 2609 times)

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How can i connect socket.io server?
« on: April 26, 2014, 06:57:19 pm »
i'm triying to connect to socket.io server, but it doesn't work.

server source :

var socketio = require('socket.io');
var port = 3303;
var io = socketio.listen(port);


client source :

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>

int main()
   sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
   sf::CircleShape shape(100.f);

   sf::IpAddress ipAddress = sf::IpAddress::LocalHost;

   sf::TcpSocket socket;
   sf::Socket::Status status = socket.connect(ipAddress, 3303);

   if(status != sf::Socket::Done)
      printf("connection error!\n");

      printf("IP Address : %s\n", ipAddress.toString().c_str());


   if (socket.send("connection", 11) != sf::Socket::Done)
      // error...

   sf::UdpSocket socket;

   if (socket.bind(3303))
      printf("connection error!\n");

   if (socket.send("hi", 3, ipAddress, 3303) != sf::Socket::Done)
      printf("sending error!\n");


   while (window.isOpen())
      sf::Event event;
      while (window.pollEvent(event))
         if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed){


   return 0;

there's no error when running client, but the server doesn't respond.

How can I connect to Node.js socket.io server in SFML client?


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Re: How can i connect socket.io server?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2014, 07:04:32 pm »
I don't know anything about socket.io, but judging by the stuff I see on its home page it seems to expect HTTP, not just TCP.

Through some links on that home page I also stumbled across a C++ client for socket.io (https://github.com/ebshimizu/socket.io-clientpp/blob/master/src/socket_io_client.cpp) so maybe that will give you additional hints.  It seems to be using an HTTP POST request.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 07:07:23 pm by Ixrec »

