Hi ! I'm currently thinking about a "RenderManager" for my game, it would encapsulate a sf::RenderWindow (with method to draw on it, etc, etc) and the video settings (whether the particles, vsync, fullscreen are enabled or not for example).
My question is: Am-I better to recode all access method of my sf::RenderWindow (draw, getView, setMaxFps, etc) and then when I'll draw my game I'll pass the RenderManager to the "object.draw(...)" method ? It's a lot of method to recode though, so I don't know if it's a good thing...
I'm also using TGUI for the controls and it needs the sf::RenderWindow for drawing and probably for other stuffs like cursor position on the window, so I suppose I'm better to code an access method to the sf::RenderWindow, then I'll be able to pass it directly to the tgui::gui ?
I have the felling my questions are a bit simple, but I want to be sure I'm doing it right.
If you have any suggestion, I'm open to it. Thanks !