Where is that error coming from? pushstring takes string, pushlstring takes string and size. Why would there be error like that in LuaBridge? Even Lua 5.1 and 5.0 have these functions like that, I think even 4.0 has and that was 14 years ago...Cleared up by Nexus link.
The warning is saying that the function returns a const void pointer (NOT pointer to const void) which makes no sense, because you can simply copy it into another variable and have non const pointer to non const void. The 'const' there literally does nothing. It's as if the * was misplaced:
http://www.stroustrup.com/bs_faq2.html#constplacementYou'd be better off without using a binding for now, many of them do weird things like automatically create metatables and so on, this is really bad if you don't understand what the Lua logic behind that is. It's too much of a headache to try to learn all three - language, C API and binding API all at once.
Selene is good, clear, small and easy but still misses many things, it's better for loading data than real logic, I have to admit, data loading is extremely simple in it. It also is doing the 'magic' and taking away a lot of power you'd get learning C API. Using Selene's API you couldn't write a function to take advantage of Lua errors or overloading on amount/type of arguments passed without the C API.
Just use raw C API for a while, it's really not hard to use, and try to not mix the languages a lot, minimizing the amount of Lua <-> C++ action is a Good Thing according to both Lua and LuaJIT users and developers. Not only you'd not understand what the library binding Lua is giving you, you'd also probably not need it, it's better to take small steps and convert
interesting bits of logic to Lua than suddenly attempting to use it in a C++ program like it's Unreal Script and coding every single bit of code in it. That is possible (Don't Starve uses idiotic amounts of Lua code for everything version 5.1 and no JIT I think which opens room for mods and maybe LuaJIT could combat the speed of Unreal Script, definitely not the tools, when used like that in an engine) but then you could just as well use existing Lua engine instead (like LOVE).
Just learn most of the raw C API (it's simple once you get into it more) and how C references, userdata, types and (meta)tables work (by work I mean how to use them in both languages, not how they're implemented in VM itself which is in C) and you're pretty good off.