Currently using SFML 2.1 with .NET 4.5 and the x64 builds.
I've already seen the note on having to set the window active to false in order to get draw events to work properly from multiple threads, but at this point, I'm trying to spawn update events to another thread, so I can follow a similar pattern for both.
However, when running the Dispatch Events from another thread, I seem unable to receive the close event. Below is the minimalist code I could come up with to reproduce the issue
public static void Main
(string[] args
) { var Window
= new RenderWindow
(new VideoMode
(800u, 600u
""); Window
.Closed += (sender, e
) => Window
.Close(); Task
.WaitAll( Task
.Run(() => { while (Window
.IsOpen) { Window
.DispatchEvents(); } })); }