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Author Topic: DLgui Update Aug, 26  (Read 4733 times)

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DLgui Update Aug, 26
« on: August 24, 2009, 08:41:28 am »
Update Aug 26,
   I have posted a screen shot of the current version i am working on. Hopefully it makes it easyer to see what i am trying todo?

Here's a project i have been working on, After i have it all cleaned up more I am going to release this gui library under the same license as SFML. Their is still a lot of ruff edges that i want to clean up before anyone uses it. Below I have provided a link to the current code if I could get some people to take a peek at it and tell me what you think.


Currently the feature list is pretty descent.
* Render once draw many style system prevents needlessly redrawing text and other things every frame by using FBO's to store textures of the rendered Gui
* Themeing support through 9 slice rendering This also benefits from the FBO use.
* completely Shader driven

Things I have planned after I can get some review of what I have already done.
* more widgets (I have more that I didn't include in the zip above I want to see reaction to my object model before I put to much effort into this)
* Everything theme able.
* Easier to integrate with game applications
* look and feel will be very modifiable.

If their is something you would like to see that I don't currently have listed, please tell me and I will maybe add that to what I am trying todo.


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DLgui Update Aug, 26
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2009, 08:43:17 am »
Ohh you will need the Glew library to compile the code.


