That's a great news!!!
I'm still stuck with opengl 3.0 on my ubuntu 14.4, and, I haven't found any driver which can support opengl 3.3 or greater yet. (It's very problematic for modern game's developpement on linux, especially for games that require hight performance and a lot of special graphic effects, so I can understand why many developpers are unhappy.
I even don't want to speak about opengl ES versions on more exotic plateforms, it's even worth. (There are so many different extensions to handle, so, it's not the fact that developpers doesn't understand how opengl works, it's the fact that they find that it's too much complicated to handle it with many drivers, standart extensions for every drivers'll be less paintfull.)
A developper lend me a raspberry someday to make my framework work onwich (because he was interested by it), but, the driver didn't support SFML on it, so It didn't worked. (But apparently with SDL it works fine, I say, apparently because, I've never tested his game because, the client of his game isn't portable on ubuntu yet.)
The only solution that I've found now is to use windows for modern games developement. (But I pefer ubuntu and I don't want to change my OS for that.)