I've got a question regarding the view-tutorial.
As far as I understood it, when I want to have a minimap, I need a normal view for my character, which will be moved when the character moves (do I really have to call Window::setView() every time I want to move it?)
And then I need one for my minimap, which simply covers the complete space of my level, instead of the monitor resolution.
To display them I call setView with the playerView, draw my 100+ level-objects, and then i call setView with the minimap-view and draw them all again?
Is that how it is?
Isn't there a way to just call draw once for every level-object? Otherwise that would mean, that the runtime depends linear on the number of views?
And another question:
can I just call draw for every object, in my level, or should I first check which one will be in the window anyway, and only call draw for those ones?
greetings Uzaku