I am using Code::Blocks MinGW, and I want to better understand what the implications are of enabling that command when generating my libraries.
Here is my understanding, please correct it, and hopefully add to my understanding.
Dynamic Linking SFMLThe option is not valid for this choice, so it is off.
If I link SFML dynamically, I will need libgcc_s_xxx-1.dll and or libstdc++-6.dll. But I just ran a simple test program and did not need either of those. Under what circumstances DO i need them when doing everything dynamically. Certain function calls/class instantiations?
Static Linking SFMLI turn the option off, so I am NOT statically linking the std libs.
If I link SFML statically, I will need libgcc_s_xxx-1.dll and or libstdc++-6.dll. But I just ran a simple test again, and did not need either of those while linking SFML statically. Under what circumstances DO i need them when doing SFML statically, but std non static. Are those conditions the same as
Dynamic Linking SFML?
Extra Static Linking SFMLI turn the option on.
I link SFML statically, and tell those SFML libs that I will be linking the STD libs statically. But I just ran a simple test again, and did not link either of the std libs in the project, and it worked. Do I need to link them in the same conditions as the previous two?
In the situations where I do need to link them statically, do I need the libs from the SFML\SFML-2.1\extlibs\libs-mingw\x86 directory? My computer is x86. Which libraries would I need to link? All of them?
openal32 and libsndfile have .a and .dll versions. Is .a the static library version that I can link statically?
"If you are using the sfml-audio module (either statically or dynamically), you must also copy the DLLs of the external libraries needed by it, which are libsndfile-1.dll and OpenAL32.dll"Everything could be linked statically, but I would still need these two dll files?